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Brachioplasty Surgery: Remedy for Loose and Fatty Arms

Having flabby or sagging arms is one of the most common physical concerns for women.

This loose skin may be due to a variety or combination of factors, including: genetics, aging, weight fluctuations, and even the lack of exercise. If the sagging is not that severe yet, the problem in the upper arms may be fixed by exercising to strengthen the surrounding muscle tone. Exercise, however, cannot solve the extra skin that has become inelastic nor the presence of localized fat deposits. The solution for sagging and fatty arms is a surgical procedure called brachioplasty or arm lift.

An arm lift surgery essentially aims to reshape under region of the upper arms. If done properly, it will also make the skin in the arms tighter and smoother. Arm lift surgery is ideal for patients with generally good health and moderate to severe skin laxity in the upper arms.  Scarring is always a concern with visible areas like the arms. Dr. Tehrani takes great care to place the incisions and sutures in the inner portions of the upper arm to minimize the visibility as much as possible.

In the Apple Valley, CA area,  Dr. Tehrani is one of the most respected doctors when it comes to plastic surgery. In performing brachioplasty surgeries, Dr. Tehrani will make use of minimally invasive techniques to provide satisfactory results. He believes that each surgery should be well customized to individual patient’s needs and cosmetic desires. For this reason, Dr. Tehrani will discuss with you you the positive and negative points of an arm lift surgery.

For more information regarding your loose and fatty arms, please schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Tehrani. To do that, please call us at (760) 240-2444 or, alternatively, fill out this Consultation Request Form.