Breast Implant Revision

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in La Jolla, CA, Apple Valley, CA and Newport Beach, CA

Breast Implant Revision  La Jolla, CA and Apple Valley, CA

Breast implant revision is a specialized procedure to help patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals, ensuring they look and feel confident. Whether you’re looking to correct a previous breast augmentation, adjust implant size, improve symmetry, or address any other concerns, our team is committed to helping you achieve the captivating breast shape you seek. We take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional outcomes that not only enhance your natural beauty but also boost your self-confidence.

At Tehrani Plastic Surgery, we specialize in breast implant revision to cater to patients seeking to revamp, revise, or refresh their implants. Dr. Tehrani is highly experienced in the intricacies of breast implant revision and deeply understands the artistry involved in achieving stunning results. With a meticulous approach and a keen eye for detail, Dr. Tehrani is dedicated to tailoring each procedure to the individual’s desires and physical attributes, ensuring a personalized and transformative experience. Call (949) 706-7776 or fill out this form to schedule your appointment. We look forward to your call!

To learn more about the procedures Dr. Tehrani offers, check out his blog.

About Breast Implant Revision

Breast implants can give women enhanced breast volume and shape, helping them achieve their desired bustline, cleavage, and figure. The procedure can enhance overall body symmetry and balance, boost self-confidence and improve body image, allowing women to feel more comfortable and satisfied with their appearance. 

However, breast implants are not built to last a lifetime, and regular monitoring and potential future revision surgeries may be necessary. Most implants last about ten years, although in some cases they can last for up to 15. [1] However, the longer the implants stay in, the higher the risk of certain issues. [2] Here are some common scenarios where patients may seek breast revision:

Implant-Related Complications

Complications can occur over time, such as: 

  • Implant rupture
  • Capsular contracture (hardening of scar tissue around the implant)
  • Implant malposition (misplacement)
  • Implant rippling

Capsular contracture continues to be the most common complication and the leading cause for revision in breast implant studies. Research indicates that the incidence of capsular contracture ranges from 15% to 30%, affecting a significant number of patients annually, with an estimated 50,000 individuals seeking treatment each year. [3]

Implant malposition is the second-most common complication that arises. [3] Lateral malposition refers to implants positioned too far toward the sides of the chest. Inframammary fold malposition or lower pole stretch, also known as “bottoming out,” occurs when the implant descends below the natural fold under the breast, causing excessive sagging. Synmastia, or “bread loafing,” happens when the implants are positioned too close together, creating an unnatural merging in the middle. Shaped implant rotation can occur when a teardrop-shaped implant rotates within the breast pocket, leading to an asymmetrical or distorted breast shape. Additionally, varying degrees of asymmetry may result from implant malposition, where one breast is positioned differently from the other.

Size or Shape Dissatisfaction

Some individuals may feel that their current breast implants are too large or too small for their desired aesthetic. Breast revision surgery allows for the adjustment of implant size or shape to better align with the patient’s current look.

Changes in Breast Appearance

Aging, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can alter the appearance of the breasts over time. Breast revision surgery can help restore volume, improve breast shape, and address sagging or ptosis, resulting in a rejuvenated and youthful contour.

Change of Implant Type

Patients may opt for breast revision surgery to change their implant type, such as transitioning from saline to silicone implants or vice versa. This decision may be based on personal preference, changes in technology, or a desire for a different look and feel.

Correcting Previous Surgery

In some cases, patients may have undergone a previous breast augmentation procedure that did not yield satisfactory results or was performed by an inexperienced surgeon. Breast revision surgery can correct any surgical errors, asymmetry, or complications, providing a more desirable outcome.

What are the Benefits of Breast Implant Revision?

Breast implant revision surgery brings a fresh approach to the aesthetic needs of patients in Apple Valley and La Jolla, CA. It offers the opportunity to elevate satisfaction levels by addressing any concerns or dissatisfaction from a previous breast augmentation, ensuring that the desired outcome is achieved. Furthermore, by replacing older implants, patients can ensure the longevity of their beautiful results for the next chapter of their lives.

By addressing complications that may have arisen, such as implant-related issues or irregularities, breast implant revision restores harmony and boosts overall breast health, contributing to a sense of confidence and well-being. The revision approach takes into account the patient’s desires and aspirations, offering a range of options to enhance symmetry, proportion, and overall body contour. Through a combination of artistry and advanced techniques, the revision surgery brings balance and rejuvenation, creating a natural and refreshed look that aligns with contemporary ideals of beauty.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for breast implant revision surgery include individuals who have previously undergone breast augmentation and are dissatisfied with their current results or have encountered complications. Patients also may have reached the ten-year mark and are ready for a refreshed set

Candidates should be in good general health and not have any medical conditions that may increase the risks associated with surgery and anesthesia.

How Long Should You Wait for Breast Implant Revision?

The appropriate waiting period for breast implant revision surgery can vary. In general, it is recommended to wait at least six months to one year after the initial breast augmentation procedure before undergoing revision; this waiting period allows for proper healing and stabilization of the breast tissues and implants.

Waiting also provides time to assess the long-term results of the initial breast augmentation and allows any post-operative changes to settle. Certain factors may influence the waiting period, such as the presence of complications or concerns that require more immediate attention. In such cases, Dr. Tehrani may recommend a shorter waiting period to address these issues.

Personal Consultation

Dr. Tehrani will begin your consultation by conducting a thorough evaluation of your medical history and previous breast augmentation procedure. This evaluation allows him to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation and any concerns or complications you may have encountered.

Communication is key to achieving successful outcomes. Dr. Tehrani will take the time to actively listen to your desires, concerns, and expectations. He will address any questions you may have, ensuring that you are well informed and empowered to make educated decisions about your breast implant revision surgery.

Based on the evaluation and your specific goals, Dr. Tehrani will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. This plan will outline the recommended approach, potential surgical techniques, implant options, and anticipated outcomes. Dr. Tehrani’s expertise and artistic vision will guide the creation of a plan that aims to deliver the results you desire.

To schedule your consultation, reach out online or call (949) 706-7776 for our scheduling coordinator.


Patients must follow all preoperative instructions provided by Dr. Tehrani and his team. These instructions are designed to optimize your safety, minimize risks, and ensure the best possible outcome. 

To minimize the risk of excessive bleeding during surgery, discontinue the use of blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or certain herbal supplements, as specified by Dr. Tehrani.

If you smoke, it is strongly advised to quit smoking because it can impair the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Additionally, reducing alcohol consumption is recommended to optimize healing and minimize potential complications.

Since breast implant revision surgery is performed under anesthesia, it is necessary to arrange for transportation to and from the surgical facility. It may also be beneficial to have someone available to help with daily activities during the initial stages of recovery.

The Breast Implant Revision Procedure

The procedure begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the surgery. Dr. Tehrani will make incisions in a location determined during the preoperative planning. Common incision options include 

  • Inframammary (in the breast crease)
  • Periareolar (around the areola)
  • Transaxillary (in the armpit)

The choice of incision will depend on factors such as implant type, size, and the patient’s anatomy.

Dr. Tehrani will then carefully remove the existing breast implants. If necessary, he may perform a capsulectomy (complete removal of the capsule) or a capsulotomy (partial release of the capsule) to address issues such as capsular contracture or malposition. This step helps create a suitable environment for the new implants.

Dr. Tehrani will place new implants into the breast pockets. The size, type, and placement of the implants will be discussed and determined during the preoperative consultation based on the patient’s desired outcome. Once the implants are in position, he will meticulously close the incisions using sutures or surgical adhesive. This promotes proper healing and minimizes scarring.

If DuraSorb or GalaFLEX mesh is utilized during the breast implant revision surgery, the procedure follows similar steps as mentioned above. Then, after removing the old implants and addressing any issues, the DuraSorb or GalaFLEX mesh is placed in areas where additional support is needed, such as the lower pole or lateral aspects of the breasts to provide support, reinforcement, and stability.

Over time, the mesh integrates with the surrounding tissues and gradually gets absorbed by the body. This integration enhances the structural integrity of the breasts, helps maintain proper implant position, and reduces the risk of future complications.

Recovery After Implant Revision Surgery

Recovery from breast implant revision surgery involves a healing process that allows your body to adjust to the changes made during the procedure. Some discomfort, swelling, and bruising are normal after surgery. Dr. Tehrani may prescribe pain medications or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to help manage any discomfort.

Adequate rest is crucial for the healing process. Plan to take time off work or regular activities to allow your body to recover. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and exercise for the recommended period advised by Dr. Tehrani. Light walking is encouraged to promote circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Your Revision Results

Dr. Tehrani believes in building lasting relationships with his patients. Following your breast implant revision surgery, he will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, address any post-operative concerns, and ensure that you are delighted with your results for years to come.

What is the Cost of Breast Implant Revision in Apple Valley, CA?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani to discuss your specific case and receive an accurate cost estimate. During this consultation, he will evaluate your individual needs, provide a customized treatment plan, and outline the associated costs involved. Call (949) 706-7776 today!


  1. Zuckerman DM. Reasonably safe? Breast implants and informed consent. Reproductive Health Matters. 2010;18(35):94-102.
  2. Handel, Neal M.D.; Cordray, Tracy M.D.; Gutierrez, Jaime M.D.; Jensen, J Arthur M.D.. A Long-Term Study of Outcomes, Complications, and Patient Satisfaction with Breast Implants. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 117(3):p 757-767, March 2006. | DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000201457.00772.1d
  3. Bengtson BP. Complications, Reoperations, and Revisions in Breast Augmentation. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2009;36(1):139-156.