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Does a Breast Lift have to Involve Implants?

Many women, either immediately after having children, or years later, realize the permanent changes that this event has made to their body. One of the primary concerns that we hear from patients is how their breasts have dropped. Deflation is the natural byproduct of any circumstance that causes the breasts to grow larger. This is because, at some point, the expansion of fat cells in the breasts decreases. However, the overlying skin that has stretched to accommodate the excess often does not bounce back to the fullest extent.

To resolve the issue of sagging breasts, a woman may consult with her plastic surgeon about breast lift surgery, or mastopexy. This procedure is different than breast augmentation, and many women wonder if they can get the results they desire through a lift without implants. The answer is yes, depending on her ultimate goal.

Breast lift surgery is intended to raise the position of the breasts on the chest. The profile of the breasts may also improve somewhat, and the nipples and areolas will be properly positioned. However, fullness is only partially improved with breast lift surgery. In fact, it could be described as more of an optical illusion, because no fullness is added to the breasts, but their higher position creates a better appearance. Volume in the upper pole of the breasts is less with a breast lift than it would be with breast implants.

Unsure? Play the Waiting Game
If a woman is unsure about having breast implants inserted, the ideal solution is often to move forward with the breast lift. If the fullness and shape achieved in this initial procedure does not bring about the feelings of satisfaction expected, breast augmentation can still be done at a later time.

We take the time to explore all treatment options with each patient. Discussion of the ultimate expectation is crucial to determining whether implants should be included as a part of the breast lift procedure. One of the concerns that many women continue to have is that augmenting the shape and size of the breasts with implants will look unnatural. This is not the case. Dr. Tehrani employs meticulous surgical technique in combination with the precise size, shape, and texture of implant to create natural-looking curves.

Are you ready to discuss your options for breast enhancement with breast lift or augmentation? Give us a call! We can schedule a consultation in person, or guide you in a virtual consultation where you can see a 3D image of your possible new shape.