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Inland Empire Breast Reduction: Can You Have Too Much of the Good Thing?

When it comes to breasts, bigger is not always better.  In fact, many women opt for breast reduction surgery and find much satisfaction with their results. According to this press release published last year, nearly 90 percent of the women who had breast reduction rated their cosmetic outcomes as either “very good” or “good” six months following surgery. Here at our practice, our Inland Empire breast reduction has also satisfied a lot of women who later found out that their self-confidence has greatly increased following breast reduction surgery.

Why the Need for Female Breast Reduction

Women who visit our clinic for breast reduction often find themselves with the following problems:

– soreness and chafing due to bra straps digging into the skin

– back and neck pain

– limitations on physical activities, sports, and/or hobbies due to discomfort

– emotional discomfort, increased self-consciousness, unwanted attention and  reduced self-esteem

– inflammation near and/or beneath the breast folds

– problems looking for well-fitting undergarments and clothes

Women may seek cosmetic surgery services for their overly large breasts due to a combination of physical and psychological problems.

The Recovery

You will likely be able to get back to work, school, or daily activities 2 weeks following surgery. Sutures will remain in place and are removed at an appropriate time as determined by your cosmetic surgeon (usually 2-3 weeks).

You will be asked to wear a support bra to aid in quicker recovery of your breasts. Dr. Tehrani will also provide you with wound care instructions to make sure that scarring is as inconspicuous as possible.

Inland Empire Breast Reduction

An Inland Empire breast reduction is recommended for women who wish to achieve a more proportional body and remedy the problems mentioned earlier in the post. Isn’t it about time that you carry less of the psychological and physical weight of overly large breasts?  Call today to book your appointment for initial consultation at the Tehrani Plastic Surgery clinic- where your comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760) 240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!