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Things to Consider Regarding Ear Reshaping Surgery

Our ears are primarily intended to detect sounds.  We get to hear beautiful music, birds chirping and the laughter of children. But when our ears are large or misplaced, they can affect the way we look and the way we feel about ourselves.

If you are concerned that your ears are misplaced or are disproportionate to the rest of your face, you can remedy these concerns through an ear shaping surgery called otoplasty. Dr. Tehrani at Inland Empire Plastic Surgeon has years of extensive training and experience in performing ear surgeries.

The problem with protruding ears is not just an adult problem. Children may have misplaced ears as well. The good thing is that otoplasty can fix the ear protrusion of both adults and children.  In order for children to qualify for surgery, they have to be generally healthy, at least 5 years old, and willing to take instructions and cooperate with the recovery. Children are advised to have the surgery, if possible, before they begin their schooling to avoid teasing and bullying from classmates – which may affect their young self-esteem.

For teenagers and adults, they have to also be healthy and should have a positive outlook and specific goal in mind regarding the potential results of the surgery.  Individuals having untreated or chronic ear infections are usually discouraged to undergo otoplasty. Dr. Tehrani will thoroughly review your medical records and emotional disposition to determine if you are indeed a qualified candidate for ear surgery.

Highly trained in both Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Tehrani will give you the finest surgical results.  He will map out a specific surgical plan to improve the aesthetic proportion of your ears and face through the most natural way possible. His brand of ear reshaping surgery is known for minimally invasive, hidden incisions (usually placed behind the ears) and customized sutures to quickly restore normal ear anatomy.

If you want to talk about your ear size and shape issues with Dr. Tehrani, schedule a personal consultation now by calling us at (760) 240-2444 or via this Online Contact Form.