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Reducing Swelling After Your Inland Empire Liposuction

During the first few weeks after your Inland Empire liposuction, you will notice post-recovery symptoms such as swelling, bruising, and obvious scarring. Here at our Inland Empire plastic surgery practice, your comfort is our priority. Below is a guide to dealing with these issues post-liposuction.

Oh No! Why Am I Heavier Now?!

Following your liposuction, swelling and bruising are common occurrences, particularly during the first 48 to 72 hours. These effects could last for a week and don’t be surprised if you notice that you gained weight and your clothes are too tight. The weight gain has to do with fluid retention which is actually normal after surgery. The expected reduction in your contours following liposuction will gradually occur and will be apparent 3 to 4 months post-procedure.

Compression Garments to the Rescue!

After liposuction, Dr. Tehrani will apply dressings to the area where the fat was suctioned and a compression garment will also be put in place. The girdle-like restrictive garment is designed to reduce the swelling by supporting, sculpting, and re-shaping the tissue. You will be provided with instructions on how long you will wear the garment. Typically, you will be asked to wear the garments for 24 hours (except when you’re taking a bath) during the first 2 weeks and the entire evening for the next 2 weeks. Instructions on how and when to wear the garments will vary from one individual to another.

Other Ways to Reduce Swelling

1. Cut back on salt-rich foods as salt could promote water retention.

2. Stay hydrated all the time as water could help your body get rid of the fluids.

3. Ask your doctor about drugs which could help reduce swelling. Most pain medications that will be prescribed to you following liposuction also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Inland Empire Liposuction

Call today to book your appointment for an Inland Empire liposuction at the Tehrani Plastic Surgery clinic- where your comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760) 240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!