Mommy Makeover

Offered at our convenient location in Newport Beach, CA

mommy makeover San Diego

A mommy makeover is a collection of procedures designed to enhance and restore a woman’s body to a youthful state such as pre-pregnancy.

Reclaim the Physique You Seek

Childbearing is a momentous occasion in a woman’s life. Becoming a mother can change your outlook of the world, as well as significantly change your body. Your child is a precious gift, but the alterations to your body may be unwelcome. The goal of a mommy makeover is to help you reclaim a youthful figure after one or multiple pregnancies. Many women who have children are concerned about losing their feminine figure. With the mommy makeover, you can address your concerns in a single procedure.

Dr. Ali Tehrani, MD, FACS is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to making your aesthetic goals a reality following pregnancy. Tehrani has worked with a vast number of women looking to reclaim their pre-baby bodies or those looking to create a physique that speaks to how they feel on the inside. Dr. Tehrani will listen to your desires with an empathic ear and work with you to meet your goals. To open a conversation with Dr. Tehrani on how a mommy makeover can benefit you, book a consultation online. We have four location in Newport Beach. You can contact any of our offices by calling (949) 867-6806.

About Mommy Makeovers in Southern California

Mommy makeover san diego

For many women, being a mother comes with stretch marks, deflated breasts, and undesirable weight gain. Mommy makeover is a combination surgical procedure that addresses the physical changes a woman experiences following pregnancy and breastfeeding. A mommy makeover can enhance the way you feel about yourself by bringing back the silhouette that made you feel more feminine. A mommy makeover can combine body, breast, and/or facial procedures to help you achieve the aesthetic you desire

Before & After Photos

Before and After Photos


There are many benefits of undergoing a mommy makeover in Apple Valley, San Diego or Palm Springs. Along with the physical benefits, many women report enhanced confidence and a renewed sense of self following a mommy makeover with Dr. Tehrani. 

  • A flatter tummy and tighter abdominal wall
  • More youthful breast appearance
  • Reduction of fat in common problem areas
  • Slimmer appearance
  • Enhanced self-esteem

If you wish to experience the benefits of a mommy makeover for yourself, schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani today. 

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

Ideal candidates for a mommy makeover in Southern California are healthy women who are non-smokers. They are unsatisfied with the appearance of their bodies after childbearing and are looking for a holistic solution. They have kept their weight stable and are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle following their mommy makeover to ensure the longevity of their results. Patients have realistic expectations about what a mommy makeover can do for them and are optimistic about their potential transformation. Ideal candidates should have a healthy BMI, as the risk of complications increases as BMI increases.[1]

Your Personal Consultation with Dr. Tehrani

A meeting with Dr. Tehrani is your rendezvous with rejuvenation. During a private consultation with Dr. Tehrani, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and have your questions answered. Dr. Tehrani will ask about your health and medical history. He will also examine your potential treatment sites in order to determine your candidacy for a mommy makeover. 

Dr. Tehrani will inform you of any alternative procedures should you not be a fit for a mommy makeover. If a mommy makeover is the ideal solution for you, Dr. Tehrani will work with you to create a customized treatment plan for your selected procedures. 

Ready to learn more about the mommy makeover process? Contact Dr. Tehrani’s office today at (949) 867-6806 to speak with one of his helpful staff members about scheduling a personal consultation. In the meantime, feel free to read through our blog and bring any questions that arise to your consultation. 

Safe Preparation

Dr. Tehrani will provide you with specific pre-operative instructions you must follow closely. He may direct you to quit smoking and to cease or reduce certain medications and supplements. You will be instructed to assign a trusted adult to drive you home the day of your procedure and to stay with you for at least the following 24 hours. These instructions are to ensure your safety and a successful procedure. 

Mommy Makeover Procedures

A mommy makeover surgery combines several popular cosmetic surgeries to provide dramatic results. The typical mommy makeover involves breast enhancement combined with a tummy tuck. In some cases, we can also perform liposuction to help you slim down isolated areas of stubborn fat. These procedures can be done in a single operation or in stages, depending on your needs. Researchers found that combining tummy tucks and breast augmentation does not increase complication rates.[2]

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery is designed to flatten and sculpt the midsection. After having children, women often suffer from abdominal separation and stretching of the skin on the tummy. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Tehrani repairs the abdominal muscles and trims away loose skin below the navel.

Dr. Tehrani will make a low incision from hip to hip so any resulting scarring will be well concealed by undergarments or bikini bottoms. He will continue to make the appropriate incision vertically towards the belly button. Excess skin bearing the majority of stretch marks will be removed. If the abdominal muscles are separated, this is referred to as diastasis recti. Dr. Tehrani will suture the muscles back together, allowing for a flatter, more toned belly. Tummy tucks have scored the highest cumulative “worth it” rating of all aesthetic procedures during a review of social media.[3]

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a popular way to restore breast volume after childbirth when the breasts tend to fluctuate in size and subsequently lose their youthful fullness. Using the latest saline and silicone breast implants, Dr. Tehrani brings back a round and voluptuous appearance to the breasts.

There are a number of options to choose from when it comes to breast augmentation. Incision sites, implant placement, size, shape, type, and textures will be some of the various considerations in your treatment plan. Dr. Tehrani will make the appropriate incision and introduce the implant to the breast pocket above or below the muscle of the chest wall. Women can expect a modest to a significant increase in their bust size following breast augmentation. 


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that addresses the fat deposits around the body. Using a slim tool called a cannula, Dr. Tehrani can sculpt the abdomen, back, flanks, hips, arms, thighs, and/or buttocks to your preferred contours. He will make tiny incisions to insert the cannula under the skin. Dr. Tehrani will guide it across the treatment area to remove stubborn fat that has accumulated. New curves can emerge once Dr. Tehrani shapes the selected areas with liposuction. 

A mommy makeover can combine two or more aesthetic procedures to meet your individual goals. CoolSculpting, fat transfer, breast lift, or facial procedures can be added or may substitute another procedure in a mommy makeover. Your personal goals and treatment plan will inform which procedures will be best for you. 

To learn more about a mommy makeover and how it can help you achieve your goals, contact Dr. Tehrani’s office to inquire about your one-on-one consultation! 

Healthy Recovery

After a mommy makeover, you can expect your treatment sites to be tender and swollen. Your final results will gradually become apparent as the swelling subsides. After surgery, Dr. Tehrani will provide you with specific aftercare instructions. Depending on the procedures you undergo, you will need to wear specialized support and compression garments to minimize swelling and encourage proper healing. Most patients can resume normal activities, including work, within two weeks. Rigorous activities should be postponed for several weeks. 

Profound Results

Final results from a mommy makeover will depend on the surgeries and treatments you decide upon. Many of our patients report feeling more confident and comfortable after a mommy makeover. They experience a total transformation of their bodies and increased self-esteem. Dr. Tehrani’s keen eye for detail and impeccable skill can help you meet your aesthetic goals. Until you meet with Dr. Tehrani, read about his patients’ overall experiences with him and how they love their final results.


What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is a surgical operation where the patient undergoes several procedures to address the effects of childbearing. A mommy makeover generally consists of liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast enhancement. However, you may decide on any combination of procedures to meet your personal goals. Many patients are now opting for non-surgical enhancements such as Botox and autologous fat transfer to supplement their makeover.

How much does a mommy makeover cost in Southern California?

Mommy makeover is a highly customized procedure that speaks to your individualized needs. As a result of your consultation, Dr. Tehrani will tailor a custom treatment plan and will inform you about the procedures he suggests. Because of this individualized approach, the cost for your mommy makeover will be unique to you. Dr. Tehrani has collaborated with several partners to offer financing options for your aesthetic procedures. To learn more about our payment and financing options, contact Tehrani Plastic Surgery and one of our staff members will be glad to help begin your journey to the body you desire. 


  1. Aesthetic Breast Surgery and Concomitant Procedures: Incidence and Risk Factors of Major Complications in 73,608 cases. (2017). Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Volume 37, issue 5, 1 May, pages 515-527. 
  2. Khavanin, N., Jordan, S. W., Vieira, B. L., Hume, K. M., Mlodinow, A. S., Simmons, C. J., Murphy, R. X., Jr, Gutowski, K. A., & Kim, J. Y. (2015). Combining abdominal and cosmetic breast surgery does not increase short-term complication rates: a comparison of each individual procedure and pretreatment risk stratification tool. Aesthetic surgery journal, 35(8), 999–1006.
  3. Domanski, M.C., Cavale, N. (2012). Self-Reported “Worth It” Rating of Aesthetic Surgery in Social Media. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 36, 1292–1295