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And the Top Procedure for 2011 is…

Breast augmentation was the number cosmetic procedure performed last year with nearly 300,000 patients seeking larger breasts. In fact, breast augmentations have been the leading cosmetic procedure since 2006. Furthermore, breast augmentations were up two percent from 2009 and plastic surgeries on the whole were up five percent from a year earlier. Numerous studies have shown that elective cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation in particular, have helped millions of women enhance their self-esteem and boosted self-confidence.

For those considering breast augmentation, there are two types of implants; Saline (saltwater solution) and silicone. Many women opt for silicone implants because they say silicone feel more like real breasts than saline. Once the procedure begins, you will be given a general anesthetic while an incision is made either under the arm, breast, or around the nipple. Because not all procedures are the same, the placement of the incisions and implant strategy will depend largely on the patient and the specific conditions of the surgery. Once the incision is made, the implant is placed into a pouch-like area either above or below the chest muscle. The surgeon then closes and completes the augmentation with the entire procedure taking approximately two hours.

During post-operative recovery, you may be required to stay overnight for observation. Wound care will most likely involve gauze dressings as well as a special surgical bra. In addition, to promote a quick recovery, drainage tubes may be attached to promote fluid escape and speed recovery but will generally be removed within seventy-two hours. During recovery, you will need to take it easy and make sure to avoid strenuous activity for six weeks. While your doctor will prescribe pain medications for you, over-the-counter pain relievers will help you manage any remaining discomfort. You will experience swelling and perhaps bruising around the surgical site. This is normal and will likely disappear with time while the scarring slowly fades. Once recovery is complete after several weeks, you will start to feel better about yourself and your new look!