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So You Just Lost a Lot of Weight? A Thigh Lift May Suit You!

It’s the moment to rejoice — you have finally reached your ideal weight! But wait, what are those flabby skin tissues and dimpled spots doing around your thighs? Okay, no need to panic and get frazzled by the sudden appearance of loose skin around the thighs. Here at our Inland Empire plastic surgery practice, body contouring procedures such as thigh lifts are highly recommended following massive weight loss or bariatric surgery. This procedure specifically aims to make your thighs appear toned and showcase the underlying muscles.

How does one get started with a thigh lift at the Inland Empire? Read on below!

What Happens During a Thigh Lift

The length of the surgery itself and the recovery process varies from one individual to another and will most likely depend on the type of incisions done. The most common thigh lift techniques include the following:

There are certain cases where several techniques are done together. When making the decision as to which thigh lift technique is ideal for you, the following factors are taken into consideration:

It should also be noted that a thigh lift could be done in conjunction with other procedures such as liposuction and a tummy tuck.

Choosing a Highly Experienced Thigh Lift Surgeon in Inland Empire

Choosing the right thigh lift surgeon would largely influence the outcome of your thigh lift. Dr. Ali Tehrani is dually trained and licensed in plastic and reconstructive surgery and general surgery, including the most recent thigh lift techniques in the field.

To learn more about thigh lift and other body-contouring procedures in Inland Empire, call today to book your appointment at the Tehrani Plastic Surgery clinic- where your comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760) 240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!