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Why Smoking and Plastic Surgery Are Like Oil and Water

Despite the presence of well-publicized scientific findings that smoking is extremely harmful to one’s health – from causing various forms of cancer to diabetes to cardiovascular disease, billions of people all around the world still cannot quit their dangerous nicotine fix. Here at our Inland Empire plastic surgery practice, we make it a point to inform our patients that it’s necessary for them to quit the habit before plastic surgery.

Understanding the Risks of Smoking to Your Plastic Surgery Outcomes

Just the other day, a female patient who has been smoking a pack a day came in for an initial consultation because she’s been thinking of getting a face lift. “What’s the connection between me smoking and me wanting to get a face lift?” was her question when we told her that she may have to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes she smoke until she can already quit before we can schedule her face lift procedure. Here’s a breakdown of our response!

There’s no denying that smoking and surgery in whatever form are like oil and water; they simply can’t go together. The good news is you can actually choose to quit smoking before plastic surgery. In fact, it has been shown that quitting smoking for a few days can already have a positive effect on your overall health such as improved oxygen supply to the rest of your body. 

Your Smoking Cessation Plan at Tehrani Plastic Surgery

If you’re a smoker, let us help you come up with a smoking cessation plan before your plastic surgery! Call today to book your appointment at the Tehrani Plastic Surgery clinic – where your comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760) 240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!