If you think abdominal crunches could help curb the belly fat, think again. A hundred crunches a day won’t really do the trick. Apart from stopping you in wearing the stylish and figure-hugging clothes, beer bellies, and muffin tops also contribute to all kinds of ill health effects such as poor blood sugar levels, low insulin sensitivity, and high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol. Read on below for 4 foolproof ways to curb belly fat, including an Inland Empire tummy tuck.
1. Take note that it’s not how much you eat but WHAT you eat.
Apart from cutting down on the amount of food you consume, the food you eat matters when it comes to cutting down belly fat. A recent study compared two groups who ate food with the same amount of calories. The first group consumed food from refined sources while the second group ate food from whole grains and beans. It turned out that the whole grain/bean group lost more belly fat than the refined grain group.
Other food products that help curb fat include black beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains, safflower oil, and apple cider vinegar.
2. Cut down on stress.
You will most likely win the battle of the bulge if you stop stressing yourself too much. Stress increases the production of cortisol which in turn contributes to belly fat in two ways: it signals your body to store more fat in your belly and allows you to crave more for high-fat and sugary foods.
3. Harness the power of green tea!
It has been revealed in several studies that individuals who exercise and regularly drink green tea at the same time lose more belly fat than exercise enthusiasts who don’t. The researchers speculated that the catechins in your tea may boost your body’s calorie burning mechanisms.
4. Inland Empire Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is an operation that is designed to reshape the abdomen. Often, through weight gain and loss, pregnancies and aging, the skin stretches beyond its elastic limit or ability to return to normal shape. An abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat while the underlying muscles are tightened.
The actual placement of incisions and design of the abdominal incisions vary depending on the looseness of the underlying tissues, the amount of fat to be removed, the condition of the overlying skin and prior scars.
Arrange a cosmetic consultation with us today! We will listen to your concerns, educate you about what is available for you, and make recommendations. Call today to book your appointment at Tehrani Plastic Surgery- where you comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760)240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!