Liposuction specialist Dr. Ali Tehrani wants you to look your best after your Victorville liposuction. Although the fat suctioned out of your arms, tummy or thighs won’t return, there’s a chance that a new batch of fat may accumulate. So what’s the best way to maintain the results of your liposuction procedure and prevent new fat deposits? Read on below!
Strict Adherence to Postoperative Advice
Achieving excellent results with liposuction begins with strict adherence to Dr. Tehrani’s post-operative instructions. This means keeping incisions clean, getting lots of rest to speed up healing, and using compression garments regularly. You may also be advised to get up and walk a few steps at first and then gradually increase the amount over time. This will help you avoid the risk of developing a blood clot.
Regular Physical Activity
Once you have fully regained your strength, Dr. Tehrani encourages you to turn your regular walks into running or swimming at least 3 to 4 times a week. A study in Brazil published in the New York Times found out that physical activity is very effective in counteracting the accumulation of fat following liposuction. Also, you might want to incorporate strength training exercises to your regular cardio routine.
A diet that primarily concentrates on whole food sources is ideal for those who just recovered from liposuction and helps maintain the results long-term. Whole food sources include lean animal proteins, whole grains, vegetable, fruits, and healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and seeds. Furthermore, we encourage you to avoid or limit consumption of the following foods:
- white breads, white pasta, white rice
- pastries, desserts
- fruit juices
- commercially processed food items
Liposuction at Tehrani Plastic Surgery
If you would like to learn more about liposuction and how to maintain excellent results, arrange a cosmetic consultation with us today! We will listen to your concerns, educate you about what is available for you, and make recommendations. Call today to book your appointment at Tehrani Plastic Surgery- where your comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760) 240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!