The Greek root words themselves already say it all: men should not have breasts as large as women’s. Gynecomastia comes from the combination of two Greek words “woman” and “breast”. In medical sense, it is described as a condition wherein there is abnormal development of one or two male breasts resulting in breast enlargement. Men having woman-like breasts can lead to physical discomfort and low self-esteem. Thankfully, there is Dr. Ali Tehrani who performs male breast reduction with precision at his Inland Empire, CA clinic.
Several suspects may be possible causes of male breast enlargement, including genetics or hormonal imbalance, significant weight gain/loss, steroids use, and fatty tumors. Still the same, having big breasts can usually cause damage to men’s physique and pave the way for countless embarrassments. It is no wonder that these breasts have their own derogatory tags: man boobs or puffy man nipples. Before Dr. Tehrani performs breast reduction surgery, medical testing or even biopsy may be necessary.
In order to choose the suitable technique, Dr. Tehrani, the Inland Empire-based cosmetic surgeon determines the size of the patient’s breast tissue, amount of fat versus actual breast tissue and the level of breast droop. This is in cognizance of the fact that each patient’s case is unique from the others. After doing the testing and possibly imaging, Dr. Tehrani will make recommendations as to the suitability of the surgery and its accompanying risks. This is to ensure that the patient is always given trustworthy and reasonable expectations.
The primary purpose, of course, of male breast reduction is to lessen chest fat and breast tissue. Consequently, it is expected that the male patient’s confidence is boosted after a successful breast surgery. True enough, Dr. Tehrani has very impressive successes with gynecomastia procedure.
The surgery is normally an outpatient procedure inside an accredited surgical facility in California. Full recovery from this procedure can be achieved in as fast as two weeks. For more details, arrange for a personal consultation with Dr. Tehrani at (760) 240-2444 or through this online email form.