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A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, including plastic surgery

Men may not be admitting it, but plastic surgeons have reported seeing a 73% increase in male patients in 2015. Liposuction, chemical peels and Botox are said to be the procedures of male choice, as are breast and stomach reductions.

It’s not exactly a new trend

There is a wide range of non-invasive enhancements that men can choose, as well as surgical treatments. And over the past five or so years, more and more men have been doing just that. Many plastic surgeons also report that the fastest growing group of people having cosmetic procedures is men.

Is there a type?

They are generally men over 40 who are motivated, high achieving and confident, but also hesitant when it comes to discussing their insecurities about their appearance. Men are often seeking to stay relevant in their careers, and know that appearing youthful and energetic can help. Yet, they can be reluctant to admit they want and need a little help achieving their appearance goals.

Aging in men is often more gradual (and accepted) than in women

Women can experience fairly sudden and significant with pregnancy. Hormonal changes can also leave a bigger mark on women’s skin and bodies. Men age more gradual with many of the changes considered attractive and distinguished. But even for men, lines can deepen, skin can sag and love handles can bulge to the point that no amount of exercise or dieting can help. And since most men take as much pride in their appearance as women, the impact that signs of aging have on them is just as negative.

Makeovers can be manly

Botox and dermal fillers can offer men subtle but remarkable improvements with little downtime. And as with women, subtle changes are most desirable. Wrinkles and hollows both can be subtly relaxed and repaired. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedures and can help men achieve a more contoured chest and stomach.

Time to make a move
Schedule a consultation appointment today by calling 760-240-2444. We’ll talk about your goals for your face and body, and discuss solutions that we can provide.