Are you considering plastic surgery for the first time? Are you in the position that you have no idea where to start? We can help!
The best way to get the answers to all of your questions is to meet with the plastic surgeon who you plan to have perform your surgery. Each procedure requires gathering loads of varying information. But regardless of the procedure(s) you are considering, here are a few questions for your plastic surgeon to get you started:
Does your plastic surgeon have ample experience performing the procedure(s) you’ve chosen?
Start with their formal training. Surgeons need to have been trained at a credible medical school and completed residency programs at reputable hospitals. Often surgeons also participate in continuing education and training.
Then ask about your specific procedure. How often does your surgeon perform the procedure? You may also want to view the surgeon’s before and after gallery to see results for yourself. Patient testimonials can be helpful, too.
What are the risks associated with the procedure(s) you’ve chosen?
As with any surgery, there are always risks. Ask about the surgery process and risks that may occur along the way, from anesthesia to surgical techniques. Inquire about the likelihood that each risk will occur and the plan should a problem arise.
What will your procedure(s) cost?
Each plastic surgical procedure carries a different cost, especially if the overall procedure contains a series of associated procedures. And while the surgeon requires a fee, there are additional costs to consider. The surgical facility will require a fee. You should also expect fees for anesthesia, blood tests, and post-surgery medication. Be sure to keep in mind that cosmetic surgery is often not covered by insurance.
How long will recovery take after your procedure(s)?
There will be some required downtime following your surgery. You will need to plan to stay home from work and find coverage for responsibilities at home to ensure a successful recovery. Be sure to take into account follow-up visits with your surgeon.
Does your plastic surgeon have a surgical revision policy?
As much as we would love for results to be perfect after the first surgery, sometimes revisions are necessary to achieve the results you expected. Be sure to address your expectations prior to surgery. And if results are truly different than anticipated, often surgeons have a revision plan.
Should you have additional questions, ask them! You need to be fully informed about the plastic surgery process.