Every year, plastic and reconstructive surgeons improve the lives of millions of people, raising their confidence and self-esteem by improving their appearance. And plastic surgeons do a lot more than improve people’s appearance for strictly aesthetic reasons.
Plastic and reconstructive surgeons, such as Dr. Tehrani, are also skilled in procedures that can repair disfiguring injuries, health conditions, other surgeries and congenital malformations. A plastic surgeon could be performing a facelift one day and spend the rest of the week making vital surgical repairs.
A plastic reconstructive surgeon can greatly improve a person’s appearance, sense of well-being and self-esteem by helping repair the effects of such disfiguring issues as:
- Severe wounds or injuries
- Animal bites
- Burns
- Mastectomies
- Cleft lips
- Cleft palates
A plastic surgeon performs a wide array of elective cosmetic procedures, also designed to help people feel better about themselves by:
- Altering one or more unattractive features
- Restoring a more youthful, healthy appearance
Plastic surgeons have been helping us for thousands of years
History tells us that as early as 600 BC, a Hindu surgeon did nose reconstruction using a piece of cheek! But it’s the 16th century’s Gaspare Tagliacozzi that has been called “the father of plastic surgery” for reconstructing noses slashed off during duels. He performed the procedure by transferring flaps of upper arm skin, quite a modern concept.
Two world wars inadvertently advanced plastic surgery techniques and skills Lessons learned and techniques developed by surgeons on behalf of soldiers on the battlefield were later applied to improving disfigurements caused by birth defects, car and industrial accidents and more. And each improvement along the way helped us arrive at today’s procedures that are more effective and less painful for both those patients who choose to have surgery and those who must.
A lot of improvements can now happen right at your doctor’s office
Cosmetic plastic surgery includes surgical and non-invasive procedures — everything from Botox injection, laser hair removal and chemical peels to rhinoplasties, calf implants and vaginal rejuvenation. And these days, many cosmetic surgery procedures can be performed right in your doctor’s office. Call us for your plastic surgery consultation today: 760-240-2444.