Plastic surgery, after years of decline is back on the upswing and now might be a great time to think about getting a little work done. Furthermore, there are a lot of options: should you go for that liposuction around your middle or perhaps a breast augmentation and for the gentlemen, maybe a reduction in those flabby pectorals? So, the question remains: are you a good candidate for plastic surgery? There are a few indicators that will let you know if a cosmetic procedure is right for you.
Generally, good candidates encompass individuals who are healthy, a nonsmoker, and have demonstrated emotional stability. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, is essential and should include alcohol and caffeine consumption only in moderation. For the purposes of self-evaluation, moderation can be defined as one or two drinks a day maximum. Caffeine can raise blood pressure while alcohol is a mild blood thinner and reducing intake before surgery will help in recovery. Finally, it is important to understand the realities of cosmetic surgery including cost, discomfort, and medical risks.
Something to note at this point is that plastic surgery will not change who you are as a person on a fundamental level. It will change your appearance and make you feel younger. In fact, studies have repeatedly shown that cosmetic procedures can drastically enhance body image. There are a few red flags to watch out for and your doctor will indeed try to identify these during your consultation.
You may wish to reconsider plastic surgery if you have serious health problems including:
- Diabetes or High blood pressure
- Bleeding disorders
- Obesity, Lung, or Heart Disease
- Arthritis
- Depression, BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder), or other history of psychological problems
During the consultation, be sure you give your surgeon a complete medical history, including any prescription or over the counter medication you are taking especially vitamins, hormones (contraceptives and estrogen therapies) and herbal supplements as these can complicate blood clotting and post operative recovery. Right now might be the perfect time to get that procedure you have always wanted. Going through a checklist of your habits and lifestyle choices might give you a good picture of whether or not you are a good candidate for plastic surgery.