Your Plastic Surgery Options After Weight Loss

Victorville Weight Loss - Surgery after weight lossThere are tons of strategies out there when one wants to lose weight — from intermittent fasting to low-carb diets to high-intensity interval training. However, there is only one option that can help men and women deal with loose, sagging skin following weight loss — plastic surgery. Here at our Victorville plastic surgery practice, we have helped men and women look their best and regain self-confidence through plastic surgery options specifically designed to improve the appearance of excess skin after shedding extra pounds.

Why the Skin Won’t Go Back to Its Original State

Although you might have learned in your science class that the skin is one strong and elastic body organ, with a rubber band-like ability to stretch and expand, there’s a certain point in which it’s too late for the skin to go back to its original state. Such effect is common among individuals who have been obese or overweight for a long time. The accumulated fat from childhood or adolescence may result to prolonged tension on the skin, permanently damaging the skin’s elastic fibers.

Aside from the length of time the fat has accumulated, other factors that could affect how taut or flabby your skin after weight loss include the following:

  • Age – Younger people tend to have a lesser degree of loose skin after weight loss than their older counterparts.
  • Weight Loss Amount – A man who sheds a hundred pounds is more likely to exhibit flabbiness than someone who lost 30 pounds.
  • Complexion – Fair skinned individuals tend to develop more loose skin following weight loss than people with dark skin tones.
  • Smoking Habits –  Smokers are also more prone to damage of the elastic fibers in the skin as smoking can break down collagen which is a major component of maintaining optimum skin health.
  • Genetics 

If you just experienced weight loss and is unhappy with the appearance of your skin, we invite you to explore the following plastic surgery options:

  • Arm Lift to eliminate excess, hanging skin in the upper arms.
  • Breast Lift to improve the appearance of sagging breasts.
  • Tummy Tuck to remove excess abdominal skin and tighten the abdominal muscles.
  • Thigh Lift to improve the appearance of your thighs by removing excess skin and the “dimpled look” produced by cellulite.
  • Face Lift with or without a neck lift to get rid of the excess skin and fat that appear as wrinkles and folds. Facial muscles may be tightened as well.

The Importance of Achieving Your Ideal Weight

Before deciding to have plastic surgery after weight loss, it is very important for you to be within your ideal body weight and have it stabilized for roughly more than 6 months.

Would you like to learn more about plastic surgery after weight loss? We invite you to get in touch with us today! Call today to book your appointment at the Tehrani Plastic Surgery clinic – where your comfort and convenience are considered priorities. Contact us at (760) 240-2444 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to your visit!


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